
Baby Sensory and Hello Baby Massage Nuneaton

07759936360 nuneaton@babysensory.co.uk

Welcome to Nuneaton, Hinckley & Bedworth Classes

Winter Term .

We have limited availability to join our last class of the Winter Term. Please see timetable for spaces 

New Year Term 

Our New Year term will be an 8 week term which will run from week commencing 14th January until w/c 4th March (this includes 1 week half term w/c 16th February). 

 The full block is 8 weeks and is £60 - or incremental depending on how many classes of the block are left. (3 week trials are available for £24) 

Please follow us for news of upcoming specials 

Facebook nuneaton and hinckley baby sensory or Instagram nuneaton_babysensory




Venue Days Times Ages Availability